15 Up-And-Coming Automatic Backlink Software Bloggers You Need To Watc…

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작성자 Barbra
댓글 0건 조회 21회 작성일 23-06-26 01:28


Best Backlinking Software

There are many tools to help you improve your link building skills. While some tools are superior than others, all can help you improve your backlinks and your SEO efforts.

Ahrefs, for example, is a powerful tool to analyze backlinks and includes a feature called link intersect. This allows you discover websites that link to your competitors but not to you.


Kerboo is an analysis tool for backlinks that helps you understand, protect and promote your online profile on one place. The tools it offers let you do link prospecting, analyze site links, build and send outreach emails and monitor the health of your link.

Kerboo is located in Leeds, West Yorkshire. The company employs around 30 people and has an annual revenue of between $1M and $10M. Pricing is based on a monthly basis. Licenses are priced based on the size of your company.

Its audit tool checks the health of a website's backlinks and gives a score that ranges from zero to 500. You can also set up alerts so that you receive regular or monthly updates.

Peek is a different component of the Kerboo toolbox. It allows you to collect detailed details on websites. It is a breeze to use and allows you to filter it using a variety of different methods. This makes it simple to search for websites that you might be interested in but not necessarily on the top of Google results.

There are a myriad of ways you can use Peek but the most interesting thing is the Similar Sites feature which searches across a range of other sites that are similar to the ones you're considering. This is a huge help for research and outreach as you can look at a variety of websites that could be the right fit for your brand.

Another excellent feature of Peek is that it gives you a list of all the contact information for all the websites that are listed. This makes it easy to identify the person behind the site or if it has one.

These are all very useful features and it's nice to find that they don't cause any annoyance when using the interface. You can save filters to make them available quickly when you need them.

The final characteristic of the Kerboo toolbox is its rankings module , which lets you keep track of a websites that are ranked in 26 different countries and create a weekly or monthly report. It will give you a clear of how a website is performing, what its top six rankings are and where it's located in the rankings for specific keywords.


HARO is short for Help a Reporter Out, is an online service that connects journalists with experts on specific subjects. It helps them find reliable sources to write about their subject quickly and efficiently. It also offers expert citations that aid in gaining media coverage for sources.

Contrary to other news websites HARO can be used for free. It's a great way to increase brand visibility and drive visitors back to your site via backlinks. It is simple to set up and comes with numerous options.

Begin by creating an account on the website. This will include your experience, qualifications and websites. You can also upload photos of yourself. Once you've created your profile, you can start responding to questions that are being sent to you every day.

The most appealing aspect of HARO is that it offers you the chance to develop relationships with bloggers and journalists. If they feature you in an article, you can follow up with them. This is a great way to gain future customers and build long-term business relationships.

However, HARO can often lead to frustrating experiences for both the parties. Journalists may receive responses from unqualified marketers, who don't have the relevant content to back up their claims. It is possible that they'll find the right source, but it might take longer than they anticipated.

To avoid this, it is essential to only respond to queries that match your area of expertise. This will increase the chances of getting published. Keep in mind that HARO does not serve as an opportunity for sales. Therefore, any openly promotional pitch will not be published.

Be sure to not attach any attachments to your message when using HARO. HARO will take away attachments and not show them to the journalist. This is due to the fact that it seeks to safeguard journalists from cyber threats.

HARO is an excellent source of publicity for small businesses, but it can be confusing to use. It is important to develop an approach and stick with it. Focusing on keywords that are relevant to your business is a great method to achieve this. You can then create alerts to ensure that HARO will send you emails each morning and afternoon with inquiries that fit your profile.

Majestic SEO

Majestic SEO allows users to view backlinks from any website. Its tools allow users to identify potential links for their websites, boost rankings and boost organic traffic. It also helps you remove spam links that could damage your search engine ranking.

The main function of the software is its backlink automation database, which has more than a million domains. The database is continuously updated and offers users a broad range of backlink metrics, including trust flow, trust flow, the flow of citations, and topical trust flows. It is accessible via the Majestic website, or via its Chrome and Firefox extensions.

In addition to tracking backlinks, the tool also monitors anchor text and keywords, which can assist users in identifying potential keywords and devise keywords strategies for their websites. It can also provide details on the domains that refer to them and their authority.

Domain comparisons are another important feature. This lets you examine the backlinks of your competitors. This allows users to identify any potential link building opportunities within their competitors profiles.

This feature is available by entering the URL of the competitor's site in a field and then clicking "Check Backlink Counts." The report will be displayed. The report can be viewed using the sorting and filtering options to see the results of your query.

You can also use the advanced tools menu to access additional reports that could be relevant to your particular query. These include the link context tab and a list of top-level domains, as well as an overview of the number of other links that are available on a specific source url.

Access to Majestic's API is also available in the advanced tools menu. This allows users to create their own apps using the information. This is helpful in creating an automated search , zsstaflova.cz or to integrate it into a dashboard.

If you have questions, you can contact the Majestic SEO customer service team. It is possible to do this by clicking the support icon on the top of the software , or by email. The support team will reply to your query as soon as they can.


Moz Pro is an SEO software suite. It offers many tools for keyword research and link building. It is also a great tool to monitor the effectiveness of your inbound marketing strategies including sharing content and mentions on social media.

It's an excellent choice for companies who want to improve their SEO on their websites and increase organic traffic and achieve higher rankings in search results. Its keyword research features are top-quality, and its backlink seo software profile is comprehensive.

Moz Pro's keyword searcher is an excellent tool to find new keywords that will drive relevant traffic. It offers a range of metrics for each keyword, such as search volume and CTR.

In addition to conducting keyword research, Moz also has a backlink profile tool known as Open Site Explorer (OSE). This is an excellent tool to study the link profile of your site or a client's website.

OSE offers a complete and accurate view on your website's backlink automation software profile as well as a list of all links to competitor sites. It can be filtered using criteria like subdomains or nofollow. This makes it an indispensable tool for serious link builders.

Another useful feature in OSE is the ability to see all links that cross two URLs. This is a good method to find links that could be beneficial to your own link building efforts, like links from domains with high authority.

This is a powerful feature that isn't available in other software for analysis of links. This feature lets you find out which competitors are linking to your website, and it's an excellent tool to identify opportunities for building links.

The feature is free to use so you can get a sense of how it operates prior to signing up for an account. Its navigation is more complicated than other SEO tools, which is why it is not the best backlink software option for those who are new to the SEO field.

Moz offers a range of pricing plans, starting at $99/month for the Standard plan and going up to $999 for the Premium plan. Moz's prices are comparable to Ahrefs and SEMRush, making it a good choice for those with a limited budget.


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